Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Not my will, but thine, Be Done

Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done

My third example highlights the importance of recognizing and accepting the will of God in our lives. Several years ago there was a young father who had been active in the Church as a boy but had chosen a different path during his teenage years. After serving in the military, he married a lovely girl, and soon children blessed their home.
One day without warning their little four-year-old daughter became critically ill and was hospitalized. In desperation and for the first time in many years, the father was found on his knees in prayer, asking that the life of his daughter be spared. Yet her condition worsened. Gradually, this father sensed that his little girl would not live, and slowly his prayers changed; he no longer prayed for healing but rather for understanding. “Let Thy will be done” was now the manner of his pleadings.
Soon his daughter was in a coma, and the father knew her hours on earth were few. Fortified with understanding, trust, and power beyond their own, the young parents prayed again, asking for the opportunity to hold her close once more while she was awake. The daughter’s eyes opened, and her frail arms reached out to her parents for one final embrace. And then she was gone. This father knew their prayers had been answered—a kind, compassionate Father in Heaven had comforted their hearts. God’s will had been done, and they had gained understanding. (Adapted from H. Burke Peterson, “Adversity and Prayer,” Ensign, Jan. 1974, 18.)

Thursday, December 8, 2016

College place

I was just thinking of me in my teens. many people do not know I was for a short time living in a house with drugs going in and out of it. People bragged about their shroom or acid trips and all the spoons in the house had permanent black stains on them. Every belt in the house was stashed in one room.
I was encouraged to drink and forced to smoke pot.
We lived with several people who were released from jail for being con artist.
I am writing this in hopes of getting over some deep dark nasties in my life so you may not want to read this if you are a part of my family.
1. I was forced to drugs
2. I was allowed to have sex
3. My mother's boyfriend tried to force himself on me and when I escaped he raced back to mom and said I hit on him and told him I was going to tell my mom he forced himself on me if he did not have sex with me. My mother believed him.
4. my mother had sex with my boyfriend in the very same room I was in  and told me I deserved it.
5.The people in my house pulled a con a nursing home. They switched out a will and testiment to a woman they said they put asleep by giving her too much morphine.
I found out about it by reading the typewriter tape my mom had only thrown in the trash can.when my mother was trying to destroy evidence. I laughed at her and told her they could use her typewriter as evidence by comparing the typed letters. So she made me go outside and burn the tape and they smashed her typewriter and threw it away.
That night my moms boyfriend who was supposedly a champion boxer in prison comes up to me and threatens me that I bettered never talk or he would use his boxing skills on me. He told me he was not going to move unless I said I would never tell and I understood he was a threat. I said prove it. He raised his fists and did the same jab maneuver he always did and I ducked and weaved and then walked right into him throwing out both my hands shoved him like he was a heavy bolder. I was a farm girl and he was a tiny man. He went flying backwards and through a window to the outside. I yelled at him do not ever threaten me again. My mom comes running in yelling at me protecting her boyfriend. He was the adult I am the kid and she is still yelling at me when he started the fight. Fortunately my moms boyfriend who i think also peed his pants said he deserved because he threw the first punch. Started talking about how he was impressed because no one had ever gotten by him in prison and he did not go easy on me. while he was telling my mom all this I went grabbed all the stuff my mom had gave me ripped up took it outside and threw on the fire. Then I grabbed a pack of smokes and went on a walk where I was stopped by the cops who were not concerned if I was ok they threatened to give me a fine for smoking and were ticked I was ignoring them.
I went to a park ran into an old boyfriend who made it very clear he found me disgusting because I smoked. That did not make me feel better so I headed back home. There were police cars in front of the house. Then they left as I was showing up. The house reeked of pot and my mom's boyfriend was all laughing and bragging about having the cops in the palms of his hands and they had been sitting there smoking a bowl with them till a call dragged them off somewhere else and they would not be bugging me about smoking anymore.
They even helped my mom board up her window.